Meet the Team

Are you looking for a marketing team that will take the time to identify your path to success?


Are you ready to engage with technical professionals who are both approachable and value-driven?


We are here for you. Technicians who speak plain English and who are truly passionate about contributing to your project. We merge technical expertise and creativity in one great package.



01. Systematic

A streamline of checks and balances will eliminate confusion. You will stay abreast of progress the whole time.

02. Dedicated

The AU professionals are in it for the long haul. Even after your project is completed… we will be there for you.

03. Effective

The progress from planning to execution is a team sport. We challenge each other to excellence.

Autonomy Unlimited

A Team of Professionals


This extraordinary team will make sure that your customer experience is
enjoyable, inspirational and fruitful.

Richard Grove

Executive Consultant

After earning more than $1m in Enterprise Software Sales by age 30, Richard retired from corporate work by way of becoming a Federal Whistleblower under the Sarbanes Oxley Act, in 2003. Since then his research, publishing, and entrepreneurism skills have been focused on helping individuals and small businesses learn to survive and thrive in a world where ethics and integrity are rare.

Lisa Arbercheski

Executive Coordinator

Lisa excels at connecting clients with effective solutions. As one of the most effective sales representatives at a multinational software corporation, Lisa conquered obstacles daily. She brings a wealth of skills and success mindsets to Autonomy.


Lead Copywriter

Kara is a passionate Senior Copywriter focused on the captivating use of words in the marketing world. Specializing in using the magic of words to engage your audience, she’ll work with you to create quality content that grabs attention. You have a story to tell – she will help you bring it to life.

Stephanie Kosonen

Media Relations

With experience in booking, media relations, copywriting, and journalism, her role can be described “people connector.”
As a former journalist and elementary teacher, Stephanie excels at connecting with people and finding out how to help them spread their message to their intended market.
Her relationships with media outlets in the alternative and independent media sphere can supercharge the exposure for your project, bringing your message from one to many.


Media Production


Hosting/Technical Support


What We Do Best

Landing Pages & Funnels

Make compelling offers with persuasive sales pages and complex funnels to grow your email list, build your credibility, and dramatically increase conversion rates. 

Online Course Buildout

Build an online course to share your expertise with the world.

Business Consulting

Help your organization improve your performance and efficiency, through planning and problem-solving.

Social Media Managemant

Leverage Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, & Linkedin to drive more traffic, build rapport, and gain brand recognition.

Media Production

Shadow Hosting, Video Editing, Intro/Outros. You name it, we can do it. 

Website design

Let your brand emerge with a high-quality website that is professional, responsive, and helps you stand out on the internet.

AUTONOMY Unlimited

Work With Us

AUTONOMY unlimited is always looking for the next project. If you’d like to work with us, please fill out the form below.